expand your breathing horizons


Welcome to Breathscape. Where the breath meets nature. We all have the ability to tune back into our native breathing patterns that we were born with and I'm here to take you back there. To improve everyday life, to elevate your health and wellbeing.

While there's an array of areas that breathing retraining can take you, my focus is working with people that are living with; Anxiety, Chronic Stress, Asthma and Sleep Disorders (Apnoea, Insomnia and Snoring).

breathing based on science

‘we’re not just retraining the breath, we’re retraining the mind’ - patrick mckeown

What is breathing retraining

The word ‘Breath’ seems to be the new black on the health scene. So, let’s clarify what Breathscape offers; its not breathwork, this is not yoga pranayama or meditation, this is breathing retraining using the breath to improve various health related symptoms and improve everyday life through better understand of what good functional breathing can bring.

The reality of overbreathing

People suffering from various health issues are often breathing in a way that is ‘dysfunctional’. Their natural breathing rhythm that they were innately born with has been overwritten by modern day demands, ultimately living a life which is more in Fight or Flight and unable to recalibrate the nervous system, putting stress on our bodies and also attributing to various health issues.

the geeky stuff

functional breathing v’s dysfunctional

Over breathers tend to breath through the mouth. This results in shallow breathing where the air isn’t taken ‘deep’ enough into the lower lungs where the magic of the gas exchange takes place.

They also miss out on the 30 benefits of breathing through the nose (the mouth has one and that is to eat). The nose slows down the breath, it warms it (protecting the lungs from drying out and getting inflamed), it cleans out all the nasties and the nose also produces Nitric Oxide which helps to open the airways and blood vessels.

Dysfunctional breathers also breath out too much CO2. This gas gets a bad rap, but I’m a fan. Its the CO2 in our bodies that tells us to take our next breath. Someone that over breaths or hyperventilates has a low tolerance to it, they breath out too much CO2 which we need to off load Oxygen from our cells to feed our organs including the brain.